Taxi Service, Czech Republic

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TAXIKEY app for passengers (iOS and Android)

Where we can give you a ride

Chýně Dobřichovice Praha Kladno Říčany Mělník Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav Beroun Slaný Kralupy nad Vltavou Černošice Čelákovice Benešov Jílové u Prahy Dobříš Neratovice Roztoky Úvaly Hostivice Mníšek pod Brdy Český Brod Unhošť Týnec nad Sázavou Bystřice Sázava Sedlčany Kostelec nad Labem Rudná Řevnice Votice Kostelec nad Černými lesy Buštěhrad Pyšely Neveklov Odolena Voda Klecany Stochov Libčice nad Vltavou Libušín Velvary Veltrusy Nový Knín Smečno

Taxi Service is a member of the TAXIKEY network, which allows it to provide better and faster customer service.

TAXIKEY is a taxi app that helps you get a reliable ride at a good price at any time. TAXIKEY works with local taxi companies and drivers to get you safely where you need to go.